James Barron Hope Papers (I) (2025)

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 1 id173061

    W. H. Taylor, Richmond, to Capt. [James Barron Hope]

    24 January 1872

    Scope and Contents

    Letter concerns a Bill which has passed the Senate, authorizing construction of the Norfolk & Southern Railway through Richmond.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 2 id173062

    M. F. Maury, Office of Physical Survey, VMI, Lexington, Virginia, to James Barron Hope, Norfolk, Virginia

    26 January 1872

    Scope and Contents

    Letter concerns the interest of the French Government in the James River Canal.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 3 id173063

    James Barron Hope, Norfolk, Virginia, to J. B. Walters

    28 March 1872

    Scope and Contents

    Letter concerns arrangements for a duel which was to take place near South Mills, North Carolina. Endorsement by J[aney] H[ope] M[arr],1929, states that Walters was arrested in Norfolk before the duel could be fought. Enclosures: (1) A list of terms of a duel on stationery of the Norfolk Virginian. (2) Receipt for the cleaning of a pair of pistols.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 4 id173064

    S[usan] V[irginia] [Barron] Pendergast,Philadelphia, to James [Barron Hope]

    1 April [1873]

    Scope and Contents

    Letter states that she is dreadfully anxious (probably about the duel which is in the papers; a duel that was never fought).

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 5 id173065

    W. H. F. Lee,White House, Fish Hail P.O., King William County, Virginia, to Col. J. Barron Hope

    15 May 1873

    Scope and Contents

    Giving information on the size and management of Gen. Washington's farms, 1792.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 6 id173066

    Jno. S. Lindsay, Warrenton, Virginia, to Jas. Barron Hope, Virginian office

    25 June 1873

    Scope and Contents

    Appreciation for an ode by Hope read by Judge Smith.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 7 id173067

    Clucking [?], Washington, to James Barron Hope

    28 July 1873

    Scope and Contents

    Letter concerns the annoyance of "Tom Kelly's dog."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 8 id173068

    Glennan and Adkisson, Norfolk, to Capt. James Barron Hope

    29 September 1873

    Scope and Contents

    Regret that Hope has withdrawn as Editor of the Virginian.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 9 id173069

    "Presentation Address...on behalf of the Compositors of the Norfolk Virginian on the occassion of the retirement of James Barron Hope"

    1 October 1873
  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 9A id173070

    W. H. F. Lee, King William County, to James Barron Hope

    24 November 1873
  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 10 id173071

    Janey [Hope]to "Papa" [James Barron Hope]

    13 August 1874

    Scope and Contents

    Endorsed by James Barron Hope. Letter concerns French reading and her sister Nannie.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 11 id173072

    Folder 11: Corespondence

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 11 id173073

      "Papa" [James Barron Hope] at Alleghany Springs, to Janey [Hope]

      31 August 1874
    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 11 Mixed Materials Folder: 2 id173074

      "Papa" [James Barron Hope] at Alleghany Springs, to "Mama," Janey, and Nan

      4 September 1874
  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 12 id173075

    Wm. Mahone, Petersburg, to Capt. Jas. Barron Hope,Norfolk, Virginia

    3 Octpber 1874

    Scope and Contents

    Appreciation and regret at his indisposition.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 13 id173076

    "Report of Nannie M. Hope for Half-Session," signed by Susan V. Bagnall

    2 July 1875
  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 14 id173077

    Paul H. Hayne, "Copse Hill," Augusta, Georgia, to [James Barron Hope]

    8 July 1875

    Scope and Contents

    Appreciation for the review of his book in The Landmark.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 15 id173078

    J. A. Early,Lynchburg, to Capt. Jas. Barron Hope

    13 September 1875

    Scope and Contents

    Letter concerns an address Early was to deliver at Liberty.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 16 id173079

    Hugh Blair Grigsby, Charlotte C[ourt] H[ouse],Virginia, to James Barron Hope, Norfolk, Virginia

    14 January 1876

    Scope and Contents

    "...heartly concur with you in every effort to bring the power of the Federal Executive within proper limits...."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 17 id173080

    John W. Johnston, U.S. Senate, Washington, to [James Barron] Hope

    24 March 1876

    Scope and Contents

    Appreciation for "defence of Gen. Ransom against the malicious charge recently directed against him."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 18 id173081

    J[ames] B[arron] H[ope]to Miss Jennie Barron Hope, care of Commodore S. Barron ["Malvern"], Loretto P.O., Essex County, Virginia

    18 June 1876

    Scope and Contents

    Letter discusses family matters and "my Williamsburg speech."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 19 id173082

    Hugh Blair Grigsby, "Smithfield," Charlotte County, Virginia, to Miss Janey Barron Hope, Norfolk, Virginia

    2 January 1879

    Scope and Contents

    Compliments on a story by her which appeared in The Landmark; value of poetry and Bible reading for an author.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 20 id173083

    T. H. Stevens, Washington, to [James Barron Hope]

    4 January 1879

    Scope and Contents

    Appreciation for the criticism of his verses.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 21 id173084

    Robt. C. Winthrop,Boston, to James Barron Hope

    24 May 1879

    Scope and Contents

    Appreciation for pamphlets and kind article in The Landmark.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 22 id173085

    William F. Barry, Fort McHenry, Baltimore, to Capt. Jas. Barron Hope,Norfolk, Virginia

    24 June 1879

    Scope and Contents

    Letter concerns the pistols used in the Barron-Decatur duel, supposed to be in the possession of Col. Elliott, son of Barron's second in the duel.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 23 id173086

    R. E. Withers, Wytheville, Virginia, to James Barron Hope, Norfolk, Virginia

    4 October 1879

    Scope and Contents

    Letter concerns political affairs in Norfolk and Portsmouth.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 24 id173087

    Baker P. Lee, Richmond, to Jas. Barron Hope,Norfolk, Virginia

    24 October 1879

    Scope and Contents

    Compliments on his speech at Yorktown.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 25 id173088

    Schele De Vere, University of Virginia, to James Barron Hope

    20 March 1880

    Scope and Contents

    A discussion of possible changes from French words to make English (American) proper names.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 26 id173089

    "Papa" [James Barron Hope], Office of The Landmark, Norfolk, Virginia, to Mrs. James Barron Hope, care of M. Taliaferro

    19 August 1880

    Scope and Contents

    "...deeply pained I am to leave you...on such a mission as now engaged me....I am obeying a sense of duty ...."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 27 id173090

    Request of the Board of Visitors and Governors of the College of William and Mary that James Barron Hope cooperate with the committee for the restoration of the College, in connection with the Yorktown celebration

    27 August 1880
  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 28 id173091

    Committee on Oration and Poem, Centennial Anniversary of surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown, Washington, D.C., to James Barron Hope, Norfolk, Virginia

    16 December 1880

    Scope and Contents

    Scope and Contents Invitation to "pronounce a poem" at the celebration.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 29 id173092

    Fred W. M. Holliday, Governor's Office, Richmond, Virginia, to Capt. J[ames] Barron Hope

    21 January 1881

    Scope and Contents

    Appointing Hope the poet for Yorktown.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 30 id173093

    W. E. Christian, City Engineer's Office, Richmond, Virginia, to [James Barron] Hope

    24 January 1881

    Scope and Contents

    Requesting a letter of recommendation for Col. Jno. M. Brooke for the Presidency of Blacksburg College.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 30A id173094

    Robert C. Winthrop, Brookline, Massachusetts, to James Barron Hope

    20 May 1881
  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 31 id173096

    Ro. A. Brock to Capt. James Barron Hope

    2 July 1881
  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 32 id173097

    Certificate of the election of Capt. James Barron Hope to the Virginia Historical Society

    2 July 1881
  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 33 id173098

    Invitation to James Barron Hope to be present at the Yorktown Centennial, 18-21 October 1881

    19 September 1881

    Scope and Contents

    Invitation to Miss Janie Hope to same.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 34 id173099

    Mrs. S. Goode, Bernyville, to Janie [Hope]

    28 September 1881

    Scope and Contents

    Offer to chaperone at Yorktown Celebration.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 35 id173100

    Printed invitation to the Yorktown Celebration. Printed Yorktown Celebration ribbon

    18 October 1881
  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 36 id173101

    Invitation to Capt. J. Barron Hopeand Mrs. Hope from Major Gen'l. Hancock, the steamer "St. Johns"

    19 October 1881
  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 37 id173102

    Invitation to the Misses Hope to the same

    19 October 1881
  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 38 id173103

    Description of the Yorktown Centennial by [Janey Barron Hope]

    22 October 1881
  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 39 id173104

    Jno. S. Tucker, U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C.

    25 October 1881

    Scope and Contents

    Account of his reactions to the reading of his Yorktown Ode by James Barron Hope; comparing him to Homer.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 40 id173105

    Comments made by [Janey Barron Hope] at Norfolk

    25 October 1881

    Scope and Contents

    Endorsement by A[nn] W. Marr,her daughter, in January 1961.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 41 id173106

    Folder 41: Resolutions

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 41 id173107

      Jno S. Tucker, Secretary, Yorktown Centennial Celebration, Washington, D.C., to Capt. James Barron Hope

      31 October 1881

      Scope and Contents

      Enclosing a copy of a resolution which is listed below, 25 October 1881, Box-folder 2:41.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 41 id173108

      Resolution of thanks for the "very eloquent and appropriate Centennial Poem delivered," signed by John W. Johnston, Chairman

      25 October 1881

      Scope and Contents

      Enclosed within the above letter , 31 October 1881, Box-folder 2:41.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 42 id173109

    J. Stanley Brown, Private Secretary [Executive Mansion], Washington, D.C., to James Barron Hope (Mourning stationery)

    29 October 1881

    Scope and Contents

    Acknowledges, for the President, receipt of letter and "report of the verses."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 43 id173110

    Townsend Ward, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, to Capt. J. Barron Hope

    7 November 1881

    Scope and Contents

    Request that Hope deliver his Yorktown ode in Philadelphia.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 44 id173111

    Robt. C. Winthrop,Brookline, Massachusetts, to Jas. Barron Hope

    12 November 1881

    Scope and Contents

    Appreciation of Yorktown poem and of allusions in it to himself.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 45 id174404

    Townsend Ward. Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, to Capt. James Barron Hope

    15 November 1881

    Scope and Contents

    Enclosing an invitation to deliver his Yorktown ode in Philadelphia.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 46 id174405

    "Jeemes" [James Barron Hope], to Commodore S. Barron, Loretto P.O., Essex County, Virginia

    17 November 1881

    Scope and Contents

    Scope and Contents Letter concerns his invitation to recite his "Ode" before the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 47 id174407

    Folder 47: Correspondence

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 47 id174410

      Fred. W. M. Holliday, Governor's Office, Richmond, Virginia, to Capt. J. Barron Hope

      December 1881

      Scope and Contents

      Letter concerns his last "Annual Message."

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 47 id174411

      Fred. W. M. Holliday, Richmond, to Jas. Barron Hope

      12 December 1881
  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 48 id174413

    Invitation to Mr. and Miss Hope from Miss Chew, Chiveden

    12 December [1881]

    Scope and Contents

    Includes one card for admission to the reading of "Yorktown Ode" by Capt. James Barron Hope.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 49 id174415

    Invitation to the delivery of Capt. James Barron Hope's "Yorktown Ode" at the Academy of Music, Philadelphia

    14 December 1881
  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 50 id174416

    30 members of Congress, Washington, to Capt. James Barron Hope

    16 December 1881

    Scope and Contents

    Scope and Contents Request that the "eloquent Centennial Poem at Yorktown" be delivered in Washington.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 51 id174418

    Folder 51: Correspondence

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 51 id174421

      Townsend Ward, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Captain Hope

      30 December 1881

      Scope and Contents

      Notice of election as a member of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Enclosure contained within this letter listed below, Box-Folder 2:51.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 51 id174423

      Certificate of election of James Barron Hope to the Society

      30 December 1881

      Scope and Contents

      Enclosure sent within above letter , Box-Folder 2:51.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 52 id174424

    Robt. C. Winthrop,Boston, to J[ames] Barron Hope

    7 January 1882

    Scope and Contents

    Massachusetts Historical Society is too small to bring Hope to Boston to read his Yorktown ode.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 53 id174427

    James Barron Hope, the Norfolk Landmark , Norfolk, Virginia, [to Col. J. M. Robinson], copied and forwarded by Geo. S. Rogers

    14 February 1882

    Scope and Contents

    E. States that he "cannot occupy any negative or doubtful attitude on any of the great questions now engaging public attention in this State."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 54 id174428

    "Papa" [James Barron Hope], the Norfolk Landmark, Norfolk, Virginia, to Janey [Hope]

    12 July 1882

    Scope and Contents

    Letter concerns her writing; regards to her sister Nan.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 55 id174429

    [?], Bradford, England, to J[ames] Barron Hope

    11 September 1882

    Scope and Contents

    Scope and Contents Letter concerns the reading of Hope's poem, "Charge at Balakiava" to audiences in England.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 56 id174430

    W. Talbot Walker and Theodore S. Garnett, Jr., Norfolk, to Capt. James Barron Hope

    10 October 1882

    Scope and Contents

    Scope and Contents Notice of election of President of the "St. Cecilia Society"; notice of his election as a Director of the Society.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 57 id174431

    J. A. Early,Alleghany Springs, to Capt. James Barron Hope

    26 August 1883

    Scope and Contents

    Letter concerns the dowager Duchess of Sutherland who was a strong abolitionist and the young Duchess who was the reverse, in connection with an article. Endorsement by James Barron Hope.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 58 id174432

    "Papa" [James Barron Hope] to his daughters Janey and Nannie

    11 September 1883

    Scope and Contents

    Letter concerns Mr. Marr who is at sea in a reported storm.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 59 id174433

    Invitation to J. Barron Hopeto be a speaker at a "Virginia Victory" meeting

    9 November 1883
  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 60 id174435

    Wm. H. Parker to Janey [Barron Hope]

    4 December [1883]

    Scope and Contents

    Glowing report on new book by Janey, "I hope you will not lay down your pen."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 61 id174436

    Edward S. Gregory, poem "To Miss Janey Barron Hope, in Salute to 'The Rescue'"

    29 January 1884
  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 62 id174438

    Edward S. Joynes, South Carolina College, Columbia, South Carolina, to Hope

    29 January 1884

    Scope and Contents

    Scope and Contents Sends his congratulations after reading "The Rescue" by Miss Janey Barron Hope.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 63 id174439

    John Randolph Tucker, House of Representatives, Washington, D.C., to James Barron Hope

    9 February 1884

    Scope and Contents

    Appreciation for kind words in The Landmark.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 64 id174441

    Wm. B. Taliaferro, Gloucester County, Virginia, to James Barron Hope, Norfolk, Virginia

    18 February 1884

    Scope and Contents

    Appreciation for the receipt of a book by Janey [Hope],which "shows a careful study of the Colonial times."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 65 id174442

    William Couper, Florence, to Captain Hope

    23 March 1884

    Scope and Contents

    Letter concerns his work as a portrait painter, and congratulations to Hope "on being the father of a rising young novelist."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 66 id174447

    Folder 66: Correspondence

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 66 id174450

      E. L. Spottswood, M.D., Perrysville, Vermillion County, Indiana, to James Barron Hope

      28 May 1884

      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Letter concerns his desire to obtain a copy of "The Rescue" in which his ancestor, Gov. Spottswood, figures. Enclosure contained within this letter listed below, Box-Folder 2:66.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 66 id174451

      Enclosure: John Tyler, Jr., to Dr. Spottswood

      28 May 1884

      Scope and Contents

      Letter concerns that James Barron Hope could supply a copy of "The Rescue," by his daughter [Janey Hope]. Enclosure sent within above letter , Box-Folder 2:66.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 67 id174453

    Announcing a fair and concert of the Pickett - Buchanan Camp Confederate Veterans, Norfolk, Virginia

    15 October 1884
  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 68 id174455

    Committee of the Montefiore Literary and Social Association, Norfolk, Virginia, to Capt. James Barron Hope, Norfolk

    24 November 1884

    Scope and Contents

    Appreciation for an address.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 69 id174456

    E. S. Gregory, Church of the Epiphany, Lynchburg, Virginia, to Capt. Jas. Barron Hope, Editor of The Landmark , Norfolk, Virginia

    1 December 1884

    Scope and Contents

    Scope and Contents He has written "a review of Miss Janey's forthcoming volume of Essays for the News. Enclosed is a sonnet "Ship-Wreck" by E. S. Gregory.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 70 id174458

    Aunt Mary [Blake],South Kensington, England, to James Barron Hope, Editor of The Landmark , Norfolk, Virginia

    12 December 1884

    Scope and Contents

    Letter concerns a photo of a miniature of their grandfather [James Barron] and other family letters .

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 71 id174459

    Jno. S. Tucker, Washington, D.C., to Capt. Jas. Barron Hope

    2 January 1885

    Scope and Contents

    Letter concerns the movement for Hope to be Collector of Customs.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 72 id174461

    Invitation to James Barron Hope for Inauguration Ceremonies

    4 March 1885
  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 73 id174463

    E. T. Powell, Norfolk, Virginia, to Capt. Jas. Barron Hope,Norfolk

    23 May 1885

    Scope and Contents

    Appreciation of poem read publicly by Hope.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 74 id174464

    John Esten Cook, Boyce, Virginia, to Capt. Jas. Barron Hope

    30 May 1885

    Scope and Contents

    Letter concerns a contribution of an essay to The Landmark.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 75 id174467

    Geo. Fred'k. Holmes, University of Virginia, to Capt. Jas. Barron Hope,Norfolk

    30 May 1885

    Scope and Contents

    Compliment on Hope's Memorial Poem, with some criticism of it.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 76 id174469

    Wm. F. Vilas, Office of Postmaster General, Washington, D.C., to James Barron Hope, Norfolk, Virginia

    28 December 1885

    Scope and Contents

    Acknowledgment of Hope's commendation of him and appreciation for the Centennial Ode of Hope.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 77 id174470

    Edward V. Valentine, Richmond, to James Barron Hope, Norfolk

    21 January 1886
  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 78 id174472

    Capt. James Barron Hope, "Extracts from Hammersly: 'Naval Encyclopedia,' under the heading, 'Navy Yard (Gasport) Norfolk, Virginia"

    18 April 1886
  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 79 id174474

    Jno. Jameson, General Superintendent, Post Office Department, Washington, D.C., to Hon. Jno. Barron Hope, Norfolk, Virginia

    28 May 1886

    Scope and Contents

    Request that a recommendation be made for Railway Postal Clerk.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 80 id174475

    V. Dabney, Middleburg, Loudoun County, Virginia, to James Barron Hope, Norfolk, Virginia

    4 July 1886

    Scope and Contents

    Letter concerns an article which appeared in The Landmarkof Norfolk.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 81 id174478

    John Goode, Department of Justice, Washington, to Mr. [James Barron] Hope

    14 July 1886

    Scope and Contents

    "I thank you for your splendid vindication in The Landmark."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 82 id174480

    Wm. F. Vilas, Postmaster General, Washington, D.C. to James Barron Hope

    26 July 1886

    Scope and Contents

    Expression of warm regard.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 83 id174482

    Folder 83: Correspondence

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 83 id174484

      James Barron Hope, Norfolk, Virginia, to W. H. Ruffner, State Normal School, Farmville, Virginia

      28 September 1886

      Scope and Contents

      Introduces his niece, Rosa Chisman. Covering note for this letter is listed below, 13 April 1905, Box-folder 2:83.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 83 id174486

      W. H. Ruffner, Lexington, to Col. [?]

      13 April 1905-

      Scope and Contents

      Covering note for the above letter written on 28 September 1886, Box-folder 2:83.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 84 id174489

    Wm. F. Vilas, Postmaster General, Washington, D.C., to Jas. Barron Hope, Norfolk, Virginia

    27 November 1886

    Scope and Contents

    Appreciation for "very complimentary notice of the Department."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 85 id174490

    J. B. C[ar]y,Richmond, Virginia, to Capt. James Barron Hope, Norfolk

    5 January 1887

    Scope and Contents

    Request that Hope make the historical address at the Hampton Academy reunion.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 86 id174492

    "Papa" [James Barron Hope] to Janey, Mrs. R. A. Marr, Cape Charles City, Virginia

    8 June 1887

    Scope and Contents

    Letter concerns work as Superintendent of Schools; family matters. Includes sketches and doggerel poems.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 87 id174494

    "Papa" [James Barron Hope], Norfolk, Virginia, to Robert Marr

    15 June 1887

    Scope and Contents

    A "chatty" letter profusely illustrated with his sketches.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 88 id174496

    "Papa" [James Barron Hope], Norfolk, Virginia, to Mrs. Ro. A. Marr, Cape Charles City, E. S. of Virginia

    17 June 1887

    Scope and Contents

    "Poetry," family affairs, and 3 sketches.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 89 id174498

    "Papa" [James Barron Hope] to his daughter, Mrs. Ro. A. Marr, Cape Charles City, Virginia

    20 June 1887

    Scope and Contents

    Letter concerns her brother Richard; a profusely illustrated family letter .

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 90 id174500

    "Papa" [James Barron Hope] to Janey, Mrs. R. A. Marr, Cape Charles City, Virginia

    23 June [1887]
  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 91 id174502

    "Papa" [James Barron Hope], Norfolk, Virginia, to Janey [Hope Marr]

    25 June 1887

    Scope and Contents

    Letter concerns school activities and family affairs.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 92 id174503

    "Papa" [James Barron Hope] to his daughter, Mrs. Marr

    [28 July 1887]

    Scope and Contents

    Family letter with sketches.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 93 id174505

    "Papa" [James Barron Hope] to his son-in-law, R. Marr

    2 August 1887

    Scope and Contents

    Letter concerns family matters.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 94 id174507

    "Papards" [James Barron Hope] to Robert A. Marr

    8 August 1887

    Scope and Contents

    Letter concerns school business, editorials, etc.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 95 id174509

    "Papa" [James Barron Hope], South Carolina Springs, to Janey, Mrs. J[ames] B[arron] H[ope] Marr,Nantucket, Massachusetts

    19 August 1887

    Scope and Contents

    Letter concerns family affairs and 2 pages of sketches. Enclosed: 3 more sketches.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 96 id174511

    "Papa" [James Barron Hope], Sweet Chalybete, to "Dear children," Mrs. J[ames] B[arron] H[ope] Marr,Nantucket, Massachusetts

    18 August 1887

    Scope and Contents

    Includes 4 pages of sketches.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 97 id174514

    "Papa" [James Barron Hope] to Janey, Mrs. R. A. Marr, Nantucket, Massachusetts

    20 August 1887

    Scope and Contents

    Family affairs and sketches.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 98 id174515

    "Papa" [James Barron Hope], Sweet Chalybete, Virginia, to Jennie, Mrs. J[ames] B[arron] H[ope] Marr,Nantucket, Massachusetts

    21 August 1887

    Scope and Contents

    Letter concerns pictures sent by Mr. Marr, Nannie and "Mama."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 99 id174517

    "Papa" [James Barron Hope], Sweet Chalybete, Virginia, to Mrs. J[ames] B[arron] H[ope] Marr,Nantucket, Massachusetts

    23 August 1887

    Scope and Contents

    Packing for leaving there.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 100 id174520

    Fitzhugh Lee, Richmond, to Jas. Barron Hope, Norfolk

    23 August 1887

    Scope and Contents

    Request that Hope deliver a poem at the dedication of the Lee Monument.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 101 id174522

    "Papa" [James Barron Hope], Norfolk, Virginia, to Janey, Mrs. J[ames] B[arron] H[ope] Marr,West Tisbury, Massachusetts

    7 September 1887

    Scope and Contents

    Scope and Contents Much engrossed in work and poetry; wrote 12 verses, 12 stories, night before; two "specimen" verses included and description of the poem.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 102 id174524

    "Papa" [James Barron Hope], Norfolk, Virginia, to Mrs. R. A. Marr, West Tisbury, Massachsetts"

    13 September 1887

    Scope and Contents

    Scope and Contents My poem is done...is to be delivered on the 27th"; newspaper notices of his work; labor troubles in Norfolk. Enclosure: sketches.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 103 id174525

    Invitation to J. Barron Hopefor the Centennial Anniversary of the Framing of the Constitution

    15 September 1887

    Scope and Contents

    Announcement of the program of the day.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 104 id174526

    "Papa" [James Barron Hope] to Janey [Marr]

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 105 id174530

    "Papa" [James Barron Hope] to Marr,

    Scope and Contents

    Family affairs; illustrated with sketches.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 106 id174531

    "Papa" [James Barron Hope] to [Janey Hope Marr],

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 107 id174532

    "Papa" [James Barron Hope] to Janey

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 108 id174534

    "Papa" [James Barron Hope] to Janey

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 109 id174535

    "Papa" [James Barron Hope] to Janey

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 110 id174536

    "Papa" [James Barron Hope], Sweet Chalybete Springs, Alleghany County, Virginia, to Janey

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 111 id174538

    "Papa" [James Barron Hope] to Janey and Nannie, his daughters

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 112 id174539

    2 cards

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 113 id174540

    Edward [?] to Mrs. Pendergast


    Scope and Contents

    Letter concerns hope that James Barron Hope come north to fill the place of John R. Thompson on the Post; comments on a new play by Hope.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 114 id174542

    "Papa" [James Barron Hope] to his wife Annie


    Scope and Contents

    Scope and Contents Family affairs; endorsement from "Papa" to Janey.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 115 id174544

    Obituary of Mrs. Anne Wythe Whiting, written by James Barron Hope

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 116 id174545

    H. S. McCandlish, Corresponding Secretary for the Virginia Democratic Association, Washington, D.C., to Mrs. James Barron Hope, Norfolk, Virginia

    16 September 1887

    Scope and Contents

    A resolution of regret and condolence at the news of the death of James Barron Hope.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 117 id174546

    Ro. W. Hughes, Richmond, to Richard H. Baker, Jr., [son-in-law of James Barron Hope]

    16 September 1887

    Scope and Contents

    Letter concerns shock at death of Hope.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 118 id174548

    Edward V. Valentine, Richmond, to Mrs. Annie B. Hope, Norfolk, Virginia

    16 September 1887

    Scope and Contents

    Sympathy at time of death of James Barron Hope.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 119 id174550

    Jno. S. Tucker, Washington, D.C., to Mrs. James Barron Hope, Norfolk, Virginia

    18 September 1887

    Scope and Contents

    Consolation on occasion of death of James Barron Hope.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 120 id174551

    F. B. Blake, London, England, to Mrs. James B. Hope, Norfolk, Virginia

    21 September 1887

    Scope and Contents

    Condolences from her cousin on the death of Hope.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 121 id174552

    W. Gordon McCabe, Staten Island, New York, to Mrs. James Barron Hope, Norfolk, Virginia

    24 September 1887

    Scope and Contents

    Letter concerns distress at. the newspaper announcement of the death of Hope.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 122 id174554

    John Goode, Washington, to Mrs. [James Barron] Hope

    24 September 1887

    Scope and Contents

    Scope and Contents Requests that poem in honor of Gen. Lee written by "your...lamented husband" should be read at the monument.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 123 id174555

    William Couper, Florence, Italy, to Mrs. Hope

    30 September 1887

    Scope and Contents

    Endorsement: "Wm. Couper, The Sculptor." Sympathy at time of death of James Barron Hope.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 124 id174557

    Edward V. Valentine, Richmond, to Mrs. [Jane Hope] Marr

    11 November 1887

    Scope and Contents

    Appreciation for a book of poems which was received.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 125 id174558

    W. Gordon McCabe, Petersburg, to Mrs. Janey B. Hope Marr, Norfolk, Virginia

    16 November 1887

    Scope and Contents

    Letter concerns "task confided in me," probably at funeral of James Barron Hope.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 126 id174561

    John B. Cary, Richmond, Virginia, to Dr. Thomas N. Page,City

    12 February 1892

    Scope and Contents

    Letter concerns an article by Thomas Nelson Page in Lippincotton Southern Literature, in which James Barron Hope was not mentioned.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 127 id174563

    Thos. Nelson Page,Richmond, Virginia, to Col. John B. Cary, Richmond

    19 February 1892

    Scope and Contents

    In answer to Cary, Page states that he mentioned Capt. Hope in a previous article; appreciation for article written by daughter of Capt. Hope.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 128 id174564

    S. Bassett French, Manchester, Virginia, to S. S. Nottingham, The Landmark , Norfolk, Virginia

    29 April 1892

    Scope and Contents

    Letter concerns a request, forwarded to Mrs. [Janey Hope] Marrfor information about the life of her father, [James Barron Hope].

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 129 id174565

    S. Bassett French, Manchester, Virginia, to Mrs. Jane Barron Hope Mar

    10 May 1892

    Scope and Contents

    An appreciation of the person and character of her father [James Barron Hope], and discussion of the sketch of his life which he has requested.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 130 id174566

    R. E. Lee, Jr., Washington, D.C., to Col. Marr, VMI, Lexington, Virginia,

    28 November 1892

    Scope and Contents

    A request for a copy of the poem [by James Barron Hope] read at the unveiling of his grandfather's statue in Richmond.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 131 id174567

    G. Watson James, Richmond, Virginia, to Mrs. Janey Hope Marr, Lexington, Virginia

    16 December 1895

    Scope and Contents

    Appreciation of the character and genius of her father [James Barron Hope].

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 132 id174568

    F[rank] B. Blake,London, to his cousin Janey [Hope Marr]

    29 January 1896

    Scope and Contents

    Acknowledgment and appreciation of the receipt of copies of "A Wreath of Virginia Bay Leaves."

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 133 id174569

    Walter Neale, Neale Co., Publishers, Washington, D.C., to Mrs. Janey Hope Marr, Lexington, Virginia

    13 January 1900-

    Scope and Contents

    Request for an article on James Barron Hope for The Conservative Review, and plans for the publication of his complete works.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 134 id174570

    A. B. Jones, The Valentine Museum, Richmond, to Mrs. Janey Hope Marr, Lexington, Virginia


    Scope and Contents

    Scope and Contents Appreciation for the gift to the museum of the poem, "Memoriae Sacrum" by her father [James Barron Hope], and a letter written by James Barron Hope to Miss Campbell.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 135 id174571

    John Goode, Washington, D.C., to Mrs. [Janey Hope] Marr,[Lexington], Virginia, including remarks he made about James Barron Hope, "Poet Laureate of Virginia"

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 136 id174572

    Folder 136: Correspondence

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 136 id174573

      Charles W. Kent, Library of Southern Literature, University of Virginia, to Mrs. Janie Hope Marr, Blacksburg, Virginia


      Scope and Contents

      Letter concerns an article on the life of her father [James Barron Hope] with specimens of his work.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 136 id174574

      Charles W. Kent, Library of Southern Literature, to Janie Hope Marr


      Scope and Contents

      Regret that she could not contribute the article on her father.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 136 id174575

      T. P. [James],Library of Southern Literature, to Janie Hope Marr

      4 December 1907

      Scope and Contents

      Letter concerns selections of poems by James Barron Hope. to be included in the volume and permission to use them.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 137 id174576

    Mary Anne, Jackson, to Anne

    29 May [?]

    Scope and Contents

    Letter concerns accommodations at Jackson and Salem; regards to Mrs. and Miss Hope.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 138 id174577

    Text of a speech by C[arter] S. H[arrison],James River, Virginia


    Scope and Contents

    E. Letter concerns the internal revenue, "an abomination that bears heavily upon us...born of the republican party"; the distillation of brandy and whiskey and the importance of grape culture to Virginia; the problem of colored men running for office; the "Whig" and the Bourbors; John S. Wise, Mahone, the Danville riots, George H. Thomas, John Sherman and Fitzhugh Lee.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Mixed Materials Folder: 139 id174578

    Page 21 of a political article by Henry A. Wise

  • James Barron Hope Papers (I) (2025)
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    Name: Laurine Ryan

    Birthday: 1994-12-23

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    Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

    Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.