The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

B2 1 LOCAL SE Union-News, Tuesday, March 18, 1997 Ex-official makes vow to judge Thomas O'Connell of Holland was arrested on charges of domestic assault and battery, but pleaded guilty to assault while promising to get help for alcohol and anger problems. By CAROL MURPHY Staff writer PALMER A former selectman 1 from Holland promised a Palmer District Court judge yesterday that he would seek help for his alcohol and anger problems. He said that he did not intend to harm anyone when he armed himself with a shotgun in a domestic dispute at his home last month. Thomas O'Connell, 40, of Leno Police warn of medical survey scam EAST LONGMEADOW Police have issued an alert for residents, particularly the elderly, to beware of people posing as medical personnel seeking entry into their homes. resident of a housing complex for the elderly recently reported being approached by a man and woman who arrived in what appeared to be an ambulance and who told her they were conducting a survey of medical services.

Police Sergeant Patrick Manley said a heavy-set man and a slightly-built woman knocked on the woman's apartment door and persuaded her to let them enter. J. "They said they were there to follow up on their services," Manley said. When the elderly woman, who lives alone, said she hadn't had the use of an ambulance, the pair told her their company just wanted them to ask people in the area a few questions, Manley said. As one asked questions, the other asked to use the bathroom, a ploy that allows one to look for valuables, Manley said, adding that the couple were apparently scared off and left empty-handed.

Police and the Council on Aging are asking anyone contacted by people claiming to be from an ambulance service to call police. Sex offender identification sent to schools CHICOPEE Peter M. Bardzik, 35, of 33 Pajak yesterday became the first publicly identified sex offender living in the city under the state's new Sex Offender Registry. Police Capt. Robert Gendron II released the information about Bardzik and said letters identifying him were sent to about 80 schools and organizations in the city that work with children.

"We are required to release the information by law within 48 hours after we are notified that someone has been classified as a level three offender by the Criminal History Systems Board," Gendron said. A level three indicates a high risk of repeat criminal behavior. The Police Department was notified of Bardzik's classification yesterday. Bardzik was convicted of rape in January 1980, but Gendron was not authorized to provide details of the crime. However, the rape did not occur in Chicopee, he said.

(By law, police departments must identify sex offenders living in their communities, including the offenders' residence and work address. The purpose of the law is to, warn the public about those who have committed crimes and may do so again, especially those who have attacked children. Gendron said Bardzik could have appealed the release of the information under an injunction issued in November by a Suffolk Superior Court judge. He did not do so, Gendron said. Gendron said he did not know Bardzik's release date from Walpole State Prison, but that he was among the first to register with authorities here when the registry law went into effect in October.

He must register yearly. Police Courts Ca Road, Holland, who was arrested on Feb. 23 on charges of domestic assault and battery, pleaded guilty in court yesterday to a lesser charge of assault, and was given a conditional year's probation. O'Connell, a steelworker, resigned as a selectman just over a week after his arrest. O'Connell waived his rights to a jury trial in exchange for submitting to facts sufficient for a guilty finding on the assault charge.

With his wife, Renee, at his side, O'Connell told Judge Kenneth Cote, "We had a verbal altercation. It was late," in response to questions on the events of that night. He told the court, "My son was scared. I didn't wish to hurt anybody." Hampden County Assistant District Attorney Tim Rogers said that it was around 1:30 a.m. on Feb.

23 when O'Connell returned home intoxicated, and got into a confrontation with his wife. Rogers said O'Connell's wife took away a loaded shotgun, and unloaded it, which started a dispute over whether the gun should Seat with a view remain unloaded. Police reported that O'Connell locked himself in the bedroom of his home with two loaded weapons, and then, just before police arrived, fled from the house, leaving the weapons behind. O'Connell told the court that he no longer has weapons in the house; they have been turned over to the authorities. Cote ordered O'Connell to continue to seek treatment he has started for his alcohol problems, and to get counseling to control his anger, as deemed appropriate by the Probation Department.

O'Connell was given a week's time to pay a $35 victim-witness fee that was assessed in his case. Staff photo by CHRISTOPHER EVANS Roberto Marin, a cosmetologist at the J.J. Chanel Beauty Salon on Main Street in Springfield, takes a break from his work yesterday afternoon to take advantage of the salon's large front window for a little people-watching. Deeds transactions from Springfield The following property transfers were among those recently recorded at the Hampden County Registry of Deeds. Springfield Dorothy C.

Desnoyers and Dorothy Henderson to Susan Green, 10 Gralia Drive-474 Porter Road, $66,000. Eva R. McAdams, Carolyn A. McAdams and Cheryl A. Donohue, 27 Barton $61,000.

Real Invest Corp. to Marcel F. Daigle, 41 Pear $55,000. Keith Woods, Lisa E. Woods and Keith D.

Woods to John J. Hogan, 30 Cindy $105,500. William R. Fortin and Kathleen Fortin to Raymond S. Welliver and Laurell J.

Welliver, 122 Wayne $87,500. Susan E. Hietanen to Gizenia E. Rivera, 587 Nassau Drive, Unit 587, $71,000. George Abair to Virginia A.

Dumas, 66 Pasco Road, $24,750. Virginia A. Dumas to Barbara A. Flynn, 66 Pasco Road, $47,000. Betty M.

Boero, Gloria B. Anable and Elizabeth M. Boero to Gloria B. Anable, 25 Palmer $64,000. Sandra T.

Wright to Rhonda Reddick, 140 Norfolk $50,000. Federal National Mortgage Association to William O'Brien and Barbara A. O'Brien, 1893 Parker $63,500. Frances E. Descantis to Kwasi O.

Oduro Tandoh and Undrallia Powell, 51 Newhouse $89,000. Hap Inc. to Keith Jubrey, 416 Allen $76,000. Praise and Glory Church to Nettie Recor, 251-255 Central $65,000. Roger S.

Harris to Barbara L. Wojick, 65 Buckingham $52,000. Roderick Fountain, Roderick B. Fountain and Ellen Fountain to Edwin Alicea, 14 Van Buren $50,000. Miriam A.

Falvey and Ann M. Courchesne to Shawn T. Moriarty and Jodi A. Moriarty, 156 Regal $59,000. Esta Hobbs to Joaquin Vazquez, 29 Eddywood $87,200.

Jasper Inc. to Elaine D. Anderson, 25 Leatherleaf Circle, $63,150. John P. Sicari and John P.

Sicary to Raymond L. Berry, 62 Temple $30,000. Clarence R. Walker and Edith M. Walker to Devon R.

Francis, 55 Hobson $56,100. Jack L. Cirillo to Linda M. Ricardi, 43 Cheyenne Road, $60,000. PoulT.

Cummings to Charles E. Singleton and Kathleem M. Singleton, 192 Maynard $55,000. John J. Budrow, Maureen L.

Budrow and Maureen L. Keegan to Robert Azeez and Cinnamon Azeez, 46 Timber Lane, $87,500. Brian G. Hafey and Susan M. Hafey to Kenneth J.

Laflamme and Darlene T. Laflamme, 34 Crystal Brook Drive, $102,900. Steve Trikas and Evangelia Trikas to Llyod Williams, 71-73 Clantoy $59,000. Joan Manicki to Eudes Defoe, 57 Woodland Road, $102,000. John Gavis to Antonio Hernandez, 1055 Liberty $80,000.

Stanley A. Servantez, Maureen G. Servantez and Maureen G. Kelly to Paula R. Munford, 253 Draper $60,000.

Federal National Mortgage Association to Agripina Martino and Iris Martino, 35 Ranney $37,005. Tracy A. Syner to Barbara H. Syner, Lumae Street, $18,000. Micahel Gallerani, Erin Gallerani and Erin Doyle to Rita Quintier, 32 Dickinson $25,000.

Rita Quintier to Norman Boulrice, 32 Dickinson $65,000. Linda A. Disanti to William B. Murphy, 12 Crescent Hill, Unit 4, $55,000. Transamerica Financial Services to Philip J.

Desantis and James E. Smith, Glendal Terrace, Horace Street, $21,500. Naioma M. Marketos, Alexis Marketos and Naioma Marketos to Did you Know? Pet lovers regard the pet listings as their pet reading in Classified. 788-1234 UnionSunday Republican.

SPRINGFIELD Jury selection begins in bank fraud trial Fourteen jurors were chosen yesterday for the bank fraud trial of lawyer Irving D. Labovitz which is to begin next week in U.S. District Court. Labovitz of Longmeadow is charged with three counts of bank fraud and seven counts of bank bribery for his dealings with the former Heritage Bank for Savings which failed in December. 1992.

Court documents charge that he bribed Heritage lender Michael P. Smith. During the selection process, U.S. District Judge Michael A. Ponsor inquired about the employment of the pool members and whether they have had difficulties with banks or with lawyers.

Two more jurors must be selected. Grand jury continues Holyoke police probe SPRINGFIELD The Holyoke Police Department evidence officer testified yesterday as grand jury proceedings continued in an Attorney General investigation into police conduct related to a 1995 drug and money seizure. Also yesterday, Mayor Daniel J. Szostkiewicz said he will issue his decision tomorrow regarding appeals two sergeants have filed of punishments imposed on them March 3 by Chief Stephen Donoghue. Appeal hearings were held March 10.

Attention may be focused on the Police Department, but Capt. Rus- sell J. Paquette said police are confident of the department's integrity. WESTFIELD Teen-agers charged as flagpole vandals Two city youths, ages 16 and 17, have admitted to. cutting down flag poles at Apremont Memorial Park last week and stealing the flags to decorate their rooms, police report.

The park is a memorial to Army veterans who served with the 104th Regiment, 26th Infantry Division, known as the Yankee Dit vision. WINDSOR Truck spills charcoal on Interstate 91 ramp Associated Press A tractor-trailer filled with 20- pound bags of charcoal briquets overturned yesterday on an Inter; state 91 ramp leading to Bradley International Airport, spilling some of its contents and causing traffic delays. State police said the driver was not seriously jured. Before the tractor-trailer could be righted, workers had to transfer the bags of charcoal to another truck, an operation that took all day. The accident forced the closure of one lane of the northbound Exit 40 ramp.

Hometown notes Hometown 19 Women's legal parley $15, and $12.50 for seniors and stup SPRINGFIELD The Women dents. Tickets are available at in Criminal Justice Conference Heritage Academy in Long, Committee will present its third meadow or at the Jewish Commut annual conference, entitled "A nity Center. re Collaboration of Women, Vision, Youth baseball 113 Diversity, Community" March 27 EAST LONGMEADOW The at the Sheraton Conference Cen- deadline for registering for the ter. Mickey Mantle baseball league is Retired Army Lt. 'Colonel Friday, March 21 at 4 p.m.

RegisMaryAnn Rowan will be the key- tration is at the Recreation De: note speaker. State Sen. Diane partment office, 328 North Main Wilkerson, D-Boston, will be the St. 32 morning speaker, and Marjorie J. Players must be in grades nine Hurst will present a workshop on through 12, but may not turn 17 conflict resolution and mediation.

years old before August 1. 9 This year's workshops will fo- The fee is $50. For further int cus on personal and professional formation, call the Recreation De; growth as well as on public policy partment at 525-5437. 17 and technical skills. The confer- riJ ence will run from 8:30 a.m.

until Jaycees invitation 30 6 p.m., and will cost $50 a person. Founded in 1994, the committee SPRINGFIELD The Greater works with professional women in Springfield Jaycees believe their the criminal justice system to net- organization offers people A work and develop skills to en- chance at some personal growth hance their capabilities. while helping their community at For more information about the the same time. committee or the conference, call On Thursday, the Jaycees will 547-8000, extension 2463 and ask host a membership information for Adrienne Osborn. session for people between the Great Decisions ages of 21 and 40.

The session, LONGMEADOW The Great with appetizers, is scheduled for Decisions Program, a new discus- Sheraton. p.m. at Blackjacks in the sion meadow group Senior sponsored Center, by the will Long- be Topics for discussion include inheld on Wednesdays between volvement in the upcoming Relay, April 9 and May 14. for Life and construction of play; Some of the topics to be dis- houses to be purchased by sponcussed during the program will in- sors and donated to local schools. clude the media, globalization, The Jaycees's purpose is to and the Middle East.

promote growth and development The meetings will be held at 1 of young people through service to p.m. at the Greenwood Park Cen- community. Ri ter. 1g There is a $20 fee for the entire Meetings with Albano course. SPRINGFIELD Mayor Mi: Call 565-4150 to register.

chael J. Albano is scheduled to meet with two neighborhood TV star to perform groups tonight, beginning at 7. SPRINGFIELD Gabe Kap- At 7 p.m., Albano will meet with lan, the comedian and star of the the Sixteen Acres Civic Associa, 1970s television program "Wel- tion for a question and answer sescome Back, Kotter," will perform sion at the Church in the Acres; at 7:30 p.m. April 6 at Temple 1383 Wilbraham Road. Beth El.

At approximately 7:45 or 8 Pianist Jon Simon will also per- p.m., Albano will meet with the form during the fund-raising East Springfield Neighborhood event for the Heritage Academy Council at East Church CongregaScholarship Fund. tional, United Church of Christ, 60 General admission tickets are Bowles Park. Feng Shui (The Ancient Art of Placement) March 20 7-9 p.m. Capt. Charles Leonard House 633 Main Street (Rte.

159) Agawam, MA Learn (yet very effective) ways to rearrange things in your living areas to eliminate negative blocks of energy and create peaceful, healthy and prosperous conditions. Cost: $18.00 Registration Requested: Call Barbara at 413-258-0228 notes STEVEN H. KAIM, D.D.S. COMPLETE DENTAL CARE COSMETIC DENTISTRY BONDING, CROWNS BRIDGES ROOT CANALS DENTURES RELINES REPAIRS IMPLANTS EXTRACTIONS Free Consultations 782-1905 1268 Sumner Avenue Springfield MOST 3. INSURANCE ACCEPTED FIX YOUR SMILE TODAY! F.

Isaac Harris and Edna Harris, 33- 32 Wilbraham $73,000. Michael W. Grady and Michael M. Grady to Javier A. Felician and Aimey Ramos, 31 Redfern Drive, $61,000.

Lanny Perron to Bridgette Cannon, 30-32 Lebanon $47,000. Richard Hausmann to Erna mann, 156 Cooper $90,000. Susan C. Rushlow and Susan C. Cardin to Susan C.

Rushlow and Cheryl L. Joley, 921 Sumner $1. Ovila A. Paul to Ovila A. Paul and Marcel G.

Paul, 1023-1025 Worcester $1. Nationsbanc Mortgage Corp. to USA Housing Urban Development, 100 Lucerne $1. Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corp. to USA Housing Urban Development, Middle Street Extension, $1.

John Maroney Carolyn W. Maroney to Fleet National Bank, 33 Kane $16,000. Enok Rujuwah, Katherine F. Rujuwah and Enock Rujuwah to 54 Ringgold Street Realy Trust and Leroys Mangagement Services 54 Ringgold $12,000. USA Veterans Affairs to Patrick Kelly, 27 Lester $21,000.

RI Waterman Properties Inc. to Esta Hobbs, 173 Mallowhill Road, $56,000. Wilbert R. Faust and Florence M. Faust to Margaret A.

Mastalerz, 19 Calvin $1. Wilbert R. Faust and Florence M. Faust to Margaret A. Mastalerz, Wilbert R.

Faust and Florence M. Faust, 19 Calvin $1. Olive Shea, Olive G. Shea and Philip Scott to Darren G. Nawrocki, 115 Burns $44,000.

Doris M. Clark and Darlene D. Francis to Darlen D. Francis, 650 Cooley $61,918. John Kosiorek and Joyce C.

Kosiorek to 93 Revere Street Realty Trust and Leroys Management Service 93-95 Revere $30,500. Irene O. Roy to Revocable Indenture Trust, Irene O. Roy and Irene Roy, 101 Mulberry $1. Kenneth J.

Lapine and Catherine M. Lapine to Luisa Rodriguez, 114 Seymour $64,000. Frank H. MacArthur and Eleanor Bernard L. MacArthur and Patrice M.

fa*gnant, Dawson Avenue, $13,000. TORO Tractors Es Mucking borso. Best Price In The Valley ACRES POWER EQUIPMENT East Longmeadow.

The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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